Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Meeting Nicholas Brendon

Last week on the 2nd of Oct,

I went along to a meet and greet with Nicholas Brendon, At ziggys pub in South Shields)
Nicky is best
known for his role in Buffy the vampire slayer as the goofy but loveable Alexander 'Xander' Harris  , as well as playing Kevin Lynch in Criminal minds (That I best know him from)
As well as lots of other shows and film roles with a carer ranging over 20+ years,

I got there a little later then I expected (getting ready and doing hair and make up)
With my friend Jen who has been a big fan of Nicky's for years, She loved him as Xander,
She was very nervous to meet him,  So I got us some red wine that was only £8.50 to help her relax to meet him,

Nicky then arrived late himself by over 30 mins, with his girlfriend Sarah,
it was fine as ment we could get wine and a seat, there was around 40 people there,
everyone being big 'Buffy' fans
his team were already there and calling to ask where he was and how long he would be...
then he arrived, wearing a tee, jeans, shoes and cap.
Very relaxed looking,  with his hair tied up,

Then he was up and telling story's about his time on 'Buffy'
His favourite episodes from the show,  His favourite being the music episode
'once more with feeling'  He said he loves to sing and how much fun it was to film,
He also talked about other episodes - Teachers pet,  The pack (season one)
bewitched, bothered and bewildered (season Two)  and the zeppo (season three)
I'm sure there were other episodes that he mentioned but can't think of them...
As well as talking about his dog who sadly passed away by the sound of it,

Sarah his girlfriend had done a trivia quiz all about 'Buffy'
I did not do so well on it, the only one I got right was about the episode in season 5 with the two Xander's, with his twin playing the more confident of the two, Jen got a lot more right!

Nicky also talked about some very private issues - He said he was abused as a child and this had lead to his issues with alcohol and depression, very brave of him to do this with a room full of people he had never met before, and how much pain he has had in his life,
He seems to have moved on and made peace with his inner demons and his past, I have so much respect for him, not a lot of people in the public eye want fans knowing the ins and outs of their life, but I think for Nicky, talking about it and not hiding it, has helped him move forward and became the man he is today, full of love and passion for life and people, he seems to want to help people with their own demons.
Good on Nicky! - I have a lot of respect for him now,
also I'm now a bigger fan of him!

Nicky also talked about being diagnosed with Autism,
later on in life (said he has Asperger's)
also very brave of him to talk about this.

Then after the quiz, talk, and Q&A there was karaoke, this was lots of fun and Jen and I had a little dance with a nice man who had got us wine, so lovely of him.

Nicky then did a meet and greet, chatting to his fans, selfies and autographs,

But by this point of the evening, Jen seemed to be very drunk from the wine,  and could not sit without falling over,  I tried getting water into her, putting ice cubes in to her mouth to sober her up,  but this did nothing to help her,  the staff at the pub asked us to leave because of how she was,
so with some help from staff, we went to sit outside, Jen became more ill and was sick on the floor,
I asked a girl to sit with her for a little bit, so I could get Jen and myself Nicky's autograph,  I had a chat with Nicky, who was going come see Jen outside, But asked Nicky not too, as thought it was best for him not to see her in that state, also Jen would never of wanted him to see her like that, 
Nicky was very understanding and was lovely about it.  
(Thanks Nicky for that)

My friend Neil picked us both up and we ended up taking Jen to A&E as she was getting more ill, 
As it turns out, she had reaction to what ever was in the wine we had.  

I did feel bad that this happened at his meet, Sad that Nice got to hear about how ill Jen had became  and sad that we never got a selfie with Nicky,
But the main thing is, Jen is ok now, took her about two or so days to get better from the reaction to the wine. 

All in all, Was not a bad night, part from the cheap nasty wine, but a lesson in not to buy cheap unknown wine, that you have no idea what is in it?  

Nicky was nicer then I thought he was going be, Funny, warm and outspoken, 
I liked that best about him.  
I hope to meet him and Sarah again, 
If they ever return to the North East?

Anyhow here are some pictures from the night,
Not a lot as of Jen becoming ill.

Elley xx

Friday, October 4, 2019

New start means hair make over

Having been away from this blog for two years,
I have also had a bit of a hair make over,
Going from dark brown long hair to getting it cut off,

going back blonde ( I'm dark blonde)

 and then to light pink... 

Its nice to play with new looks, its only hair, it will grow back!


where have I been?

Hi All,

Not been online to blog as life has got in the way and been busy,
The last time I used this blog, I went back to college to study fashion,  I loved making clothing and getting to know about fashion, getting to know how to make clothing - It's an art!

I have removed 100% of the past blog as want to start over and make this more about lifestyle, there will still be fashion and other things like that, but I'm now ready to show the real me.

Here is what I have been up too

1 - Moving home
We moved into somewhere bigger and nicer,  The last place we had was not doing us both any good,
The bathroom was too little, it was a flat and had damp in the bedroom/ bathroom and as lovely as the landlord was, he never did anything about it,  made me feel like we were living in a box.
We also had my at the time my friend Jen, stopping with us as she made her self homeless,
we fell out, the night before we moved ( I had a room for her, that is now like a dressing room mess)
She had been saying nasty things about my other half and myself, I saw the messages from her now ex boyfriend who ended up being just as two faced, She also hit me when I asked her to leave.
Anyhow, it all worked out in the end as a lot of people, both of us know,  ended up seeing what kind of a person she was, and a lot will say 'hi' to her but they won't get too close.
I'm happy to no longer have her in my life.
we live closer to the metro and the beach now as well,
there are some lovely little shops and the people who live near are also happy to say 'hello'
also no damp at all!

2 Thinking about the next step in life

We are saving to buy a house, but saving is not easy, I'm now working in nursing and the money could be better, but I'm thankful to be working in the place, I'm now at.
The people have welcomed me and been lovely, working in heath care is not a easy job, Hats off to everyone who works in it, long hours and lots to cover.

3 wedding

We are and have been wanting to get married but have put the wedding on hold, My mum in law was ill and she passed away 6mths ago, We all miss her,  I think about her everyday.  We all loved her so much, she had became like a mum to me, I feel lucky to have known her and to of had her as someone I looked up too.   She will never be forgotten.
So now we need to set a date and think where to get married,
we both don't want a big over the top wedding, that money can go on a house,
Something little but lovely.

4 Cats
we have 4,  we have lost two over the past two years that we rehomed,
Both lovely girls but who had under lining illness.
 We miss both but they have gone to a happy place (hoping)
The other cats are all good, well fed, well played, much loved by us and friends - They only come to see the cats! lol

I'm sure there are lots of other things that have gone on in the past two years, but too much to put in one blog, I'm happy to be back on here to write about life more.


Twitch Streams

 Hi All!  As we all know, covid-19 has took over a lot of things in the world and it's not the same as it was,  Having to wear masks, no...